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  Hidden Cost Calculator  

Many people think of the computer systems costs as the total dollars spent on hardware, software and services. Over the life of each computer system, the largest cost is in lost productivity due to system downtime, lack of proper training and software glitches. Think about how many hours you and your employees spend each month attempting to solve computer difficulties instead of working. Have you ever calculated the true cost to your business?



  An Eye-Opening Exercise  

Our Hidden-Cost Calculator can help you find out how much money you are loosing. Enter the numbers that best indicates your current situation

The Hidden Cost of Lost Productivity
Your Employee
Employee Annual Salary
Annual Sales Generated by Employee
Monthly Salary
25% Overhead for Benefits, Taxes and Insurance
Total Monthly Cost
Hourly Cost (assuming 30 productive hours/week)
Hourly Revenues Usually Generated by Employee
Total Hourly Value of Employee
Hours of Downtime per
Month due to Computers
Monthly Cost to your Business
Typical Lifetime of a PC
(years of use)
Total Lifetime Hidden
Cost Per PC
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